1 min read

American zone (leaving the)

photo of part of my desk: notes on book progress, poems, stickers, old photos, an old phone

When I'm done working for the day, I stop reading, unless it's fiction. And for as long as I've been working on this book, I have been reading spy books to fall asleep. By now I am re-reading the Smiley books I'd read years ago, earlier into this project. This week, I finished the new one that Nick Harkaway wrote, and then I finished the most difficult part of my book for me to step back from and let rest so I can move ahead.

Maybe to put work down, even for the day, I need to get my head out of America, but remain in history.

I wasn't sure where to start today, but I put on the internet radio station I've been listening to for more than 20 years, and this came on, and when this was the video that came up, it all felt like where to begin again, even though I had never seen this one before.

I'm sending this "Against" post out as a newsletter, which I haven't done yet with the other weeks of posts, which work more as a blog, here, and linked below:

14 Nov: Red scare
13 Nov: The lynch mob is in Congress
12 Nov: A trump suit
09 Nov: Daily
08 Nov: Industry
07 Nov: Vital records
31 Oct: Stand
29 Oct: Until falling apart
28 Oct: Endorsement
27 Oct: Rallied
26 Oct: Waning

Maybe now that I've got a regular practice going, and continue to be able to work on the book and post, I'll start sending those out one-by-one, too.

Thank you for your indulgence as ever and for supporting this work. I have been writing almost my whole life but everything, even a way of working, can still feel like something new at the start.

Finished the next draft of the longest single part of the book.